To My Creativity: A Love Letter
(( Prompt: What would you say in a love letter to YOUR creativity? ))
To my creativity:
I don’t know what life would look like without you, and I don’t want to.
You’re a key player in living fully, in loving fully, in experiencing life with depth and width.
You’re what reminds me to look in the small cracks and crevices of life, ever searching for and noticing the beautiful, enchanting details of everyday life.
You’re what feeds my curiosity and taste for sensual deliciousness.
You’re what fuels my soul when the world feels bleak.
Ever present, never bored, you show me there is always something more to explore.
You’re the reason I notice and more deeply enjoy the presence of a beautiful rock in a stream, the taste of a bitter dark chocolate, the light streaming through leaves, the colors of a rainbow, the softness of the fur on my cat, the scent of rain, and the beauty in the lines and textures of an experienced and aging smile.
When I’m sad, when I’m depressed, it’s you who I have ignored. You’re always there waiting for me to come back to you and to myself. You remind me who I am, and that we all have the ability to conjure beauty and adventure whenever I want.
You show me how to connect to the deepest parts of my humanity.
You’re everywhere! You’re everything! I am so grateful.